Thursday, March 15, 2012

Back to France!

I had gone to England to escape the revolution and keep out lives safe. I then got word that Charles Darnay, my son-in-law, had been imprisoned. I can only imagine that this is because of his royal blood and that he has been discovered. This is what I feared and I will not let my daughter loose her husband. She has helped me with my mental condition and now it is time to re pay her and safe her husband. Since I was in the Bastille, I will be able to use that to convince people to let him go. He is an innocent man who did not pursue a life of evil royalty. He is a good man who deserves to be let free and I will fight to free him. When I made it to France, he was still in prison and I had to talk to the revolutionary leaders to free him. I told them that Charles was a good man who chose not to pursue the way of the corrupt royalty. After long conversations and debates, I was able to convince them to let Charles come home to Lucie. This made me very happy and relieved.

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